Category: Greens

Course Manager Monthly Blog and Agronomist Report

Welcome to the first of our monthly Greenkeeping Blogs. The aim of this blog is to give you a little insight into what goes on within the greens department with some information about what we have achieved and what we are hoping to do going forward. Over the past month or so, as through much of the season, the main focus has been on maintaining the playing surfaces. With the summer months packed full of competitions and the weather providing us with springlike growth, we have spent plenty of time just having to keep the course cut, alongside regular maintenance activities such as raking bunkers, divotting tees. Other time has been spent, with the assistance of our small band of volunteers, on clearing the lakes. Whilst not perfect, there is a marked improvement in their appearance. This year saw the installation of a small upgrade in the irrigation system. Ironically, following its installation, we had the 6th wettest July on record however the system should help us manage moisture levels in the greens going forward and is a welcome addition. August saw the second visit of our agronomist this year (please find his full report attached). In general, he was